In a lovely fragrant lilac field, a young Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart's content. One summer's morn he was exhilarated with the newness of the day. He was delighted with how the heat of the golden sun warmed him, rubbing his long hind legs together to take optimum advantage of the comforting sensations! He whistled joyfully to himself and smiled as he passed a very weary older Ant. “Dear, Sir! Why exert yourself so, in the heat of the summer day?” The Ant strained along with his heavy load as he struggled back to his nest. Slightly annoyed, carrying a great ear of corn, the ant quipped back, “Silly boy! No, time. No, time!” as he hurried by. "Why not come and play with me," the Grasshopper eagerly invited, "instead of toiling and moiling in that way?" "I am preparing for the long cold winter days, they’ll be here before you know it!” said the Ant, "and recommend you to do the same." The grasshopper did not understanding the Ant’s urgency. "Why bother about tomorrow?" said the Grasshopper, “we have got an abundance of food at present!" (Aesop’s Fables Online Collection, 2010).
So it went, the Ant continued to spend each day in preparation for the days to come. Every moment was a struggle and laborsome for the Ant. He had no time to relax next to the pond, play in the picturesque fields or enjoy life. The grasshopper spent his days frolicking with his friends and hopping to and foe. The grasshopper delighted in sharing his days celebrating the bounty of the moment. Everyone loved his enthusiasm for life and his eagerness to revel in celebration. He considered each day a blessing and he lived to enjoy every moment to the fullest.
The winter came but neither the Ant nor the Grasshopper had lived to see the season. It is not important how each died, but know that each perished unexpectedly! For them, tomorrow never came! One can question, “What is the measure of a life?” Is it important to spend one’s days in worry and anticipation for what might be, or is it important to live every moment to the fullest! My son Jimmy chose to live in the glory of each day! He awoke each morning with anticipation of the splendors the day without dread of what might come! He lived life in the moment and brought much joy to those who knew him! It is not for us to understand fate, but to experience the wonders that life can offer to those who chose to live in the NOW!
James Patrick Saul, (23yrs.old) died July 25, 2010 of a sudden fatal seizure: Status Epilepticus, a convulsive seizure which is causes an estimated 42,000 deaths and thousands more instances of brain damage per year follow episodes of status. (Epilepsy Foundation, 2010). He was a senior at the University of Central Florida, Orlando. He will be forever remembered as the ‘spirit’ of UCF. While sadden by his passing, we can all enjoy a smile when remembering his mischievous smile, ridiculous antics and playful sense of humor, this is his gift to all who loved and knew him.
The moral of the story… choose to “Live in Faith, not Fear!”
Epilepsy Foundation, (2010). Prolonged or Serial Seizures, Status Epilepticus. Retrieved April
11, 2010 from:
Aesop’s Fables Online Collection, (2010). The Ant and the Grasshopper. Retrieved April 11,
2010 from: